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Extended to October 1, 2024


You are invited to submit a proposal for the Annual Midwest Association for the Latin American Studies (MALAS) Conference titled, “The State of Democracy in the Americas: Paths of Participation and Engagement Towards Better Futures”. The program will consist primarily of presentations selected through this open call for submissions. In addition, there will be invited speakers, panel discussions, and workshops. Depending on the topic to be discussed, the presentations may be in English or Spanish.

This call for papers invites scholars to reframe the way we look at Latin America and participate in the discussion of the past, present, and possible futures. The MALAS 2024 conference theme may be addressed through social sciences, as well as literature, history, arts, and popular cultures, among many other disciplinary or interdisciplinary approaches. MALAS invites scholars, students and researchers from different areas to submit a 250-word abstract in English or Spanish addressing one or more of the topics suggested above, although other themes are also welcomed.


MALAS is an interdisciplinary organization and welcomes papers on a variety of Latin American topics, such as Regional Organizations, Immigration, Environmental Studies, Sustainable Development, Gender Policy, Migration, Caribbean Affairs, Social Justice & Human Rights, Democratic Processes, Latinos in the U.S., Culture and Identity, Free Trade Agreements, Economic Policies, Indigenous Peoples, Latin American Cinema, Political Science, Country Studies, Natural Resources, US-Latin American Relations, International Relations, Literature, Art, Music, Contemporary History & Landscape, New Technologies, Architecture and Urban Studies, and Regional Economic Integration.


Abstracts should define the subject and outline the argument to be presented at the conference. The content of the presentation must be the product of original research related to the people, places, and things of Latin America. Each submission should have a title, a 250-word abstract, specify the type of participation (Individual Paper, Panel, or Workshop), and your contact information.




Individual Papers: Individual papers may be submitted for consideration. The accepted presentations will be organized into sessions by the conference organizers.


Panel Session: Panel sessions may involve a minimum of two and up to four panelists in the presentation and should include discussion of content and materials. Panel sessions are allotted 80 minutes and may address a multitude of topics about Latin America, as the MALAS conference is multidisciplinary in nature. Presenters are encouraged to collaborate with colleagues and professionals from different campus units/offices and/or with colleagues from other institutions for greater consideration. Potential presenters may submit their papers individually and not as part of a panel per se; the committee selecting the papers will determine in what session to place the presenter.


Workshop: A workshop provides an opportunity for the presenter(s) to involve participants in interaction including hands-on activities and discussions. Workshops are 80 minutes. These sessions should include the presentation of appropriate material and allow ample time for participant engagement, discussion, and action planning, as appropriate.  Workshop submissions are expected to include a chair and have no more than four (4) total presenters (including the chair).



  • Submissions will be reviewed on a rolling basis. The deadline is September 15, 2024. 

  • Accepted presentations will receive notification of acceptance by October 1, 2024. 

  • Conference registration and payment will need to be made by October 15, 2024. 

  • Presenters are expected to attend the annual conference to present at the scheduled session(s) November 8-9, 2024. Presenters are encouraged to travel to Chicago but may present virtually.



  • Abstract word limits: The Papers and Sessions Committee may reject a submission without review if the abstract or description exceeds the word limits specified in the session submission application.

  • Participation limits: To promote broad participation in the annual conference, an individual may not appear as primary presenter or chair on more than two submissions. An individual may not appear as a participating presenter on more than three submissions.

  • Participation limits on session submissions: Session submissions for panel presentations are limited to four (4) participants per session. The number of participants includes the chair, presenters, and any panelists.

  • If your session is accepted, the following apply:

  • All participants in a session (chairs and panelists where applicable) must register for the annual conference by the date indicated in the pre-registration from.

  • The registration must include full payment of the conference fee.

  • Participants who fail to register and do not pay the conference fee by the indicated date will not be included in the program booklet and will not be allowed to present, as well as to participate at other conference events, including attending sessions.


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